Application for a maternity/paternity grant

• Each of the parents needs to complete his or her own form.

Applicant info

6. Birth, primary adoption and permanent foster care
Maximum 45 days or 6 weeks
Maximum 45 days or 6 weeks
This applies to in such instances when one of the parents passes away during the pregnancy and the child is born alive, a single mother undergoes artificial insemination or a single parent adopts a child or takes a child for permanent foster care
For each additional child born alive or stillborn after a 22 week pregnancy, or who is placed for adoption or placed in permanent foster care a period of 3 months will be added.
7. Stillbirth or miscarriage
Directly following a miscarriage after 18 weeks of pregnancy a 2 months period of joint entitlement is created.
Directly following a stillbirth after 22 weeks of pregnancy a 3 months period of entitlement is created for each parent independently
8. Period of maternity/paternity grant

A parent who is entitled to a maternity/paternity grant can at the earliest commence receiving the grant in the child’s month of birth and the grant is paid from the 1st day of each month. Maternity/paternity grants can be divided a minimum of 2 weeks at a time. The right to a maternity/paternity grant expires when the child reaches the age of 24 months.

Starting from the 1 st day of the selected month. Payment are made at the end of each month.
9. Information regarding bank account
10. Required documents. (Documents can be submitted after an application has been sent by using the form for additional documents. Please note that application cannot be fully processed until the required documents have been submitted ).

If a parent wishes to use personal tax credits at the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund, the form "Claim for persona tax credit before the 20th day of the month it is intended to be used for

11. If parents are not married or in a registered cohabitation they need to submit:


12. Other information that the applicant wishes to include

Please note if you need to get more documents to Fæðingarorlofsjóður please use the form for additional documents.